Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The 1st day of my new life is on 1st July, 2006

So after months and maybe years of rambling about how life has been an unending cycle of boredom even though a lot of people see it as success, I am finally doing what I think I should be doing!

Yeah, I am finally diving head-on into the media and entertainment industry.... on 1st July 2006, a new name shall rock the media industry and the world will applaud... (go ahead call me an arrogant asshole :)

So what if its at half my current salary?
So what if I will suddenly be the 'chap with the lowest salary' amongst by B school friends?
So what if after a year I realise what a mistake I made, when I could have been a hot-shot consultant instead?
So what if I cant buy a car for the next 3 years... may be 5?
So what if I cant send my parents to a Holiday in Goa?

I guess, I did what I had to do and I hope God will be with me!

Thankfully enough, my parents and my friends have backed me on this... and they are all who matter to me at the end of the day! So as long as my Ma and Pa have faith in me and my best buddies can feel happy and excited about what I am planning, I am fine... shit head naysayers can go screw themselves with their self-doubt!

So with dreams in my eyes and feet firmly on the ground, I shall venture into the cut throat media industry... I would no longer be comparing myself with MBAs coz I would be beyond such competition ('Mereko milenge peanuts... unko milenge big bucks')... I would be my only benchmark and that should be nice... competing with yourself...

And that I think is the toughest form of competition and the truest test of will, coz if you are really true to your heart you will realise that you have more expectations from yourself than anyone else...

I guess thats why most people prefer to compete with others rather than themselves... coz when they even think about competing with themselves... they realise that they are actually in the wrong race altogether! And nothing makes one feel more stupid than knowing the fact that they spent their lives achieving something they never set out for in the first place... So the best way for most obviously is to entirely dismiss the inner competitive spirit and focus on external competition which is easier to tackle! I have done that all this while... and guess what... I am tired!

Now the fat checks can go fuck themselves coz I cant bear 12 hours of uninteresting work everyday... its not a fair trade-off to me! It is fair for thousands out there... and I guess they are happy that way... well I am not and I just decided to do something about it....

I dont know if my ramblings make sense to people... but they do make sense to me, coz I am shit scared about my future right now! And no one convinces me like myself ...


Blogger Arkus Caesar said...


3:10 PM  
Blogger The Consultant Type! said...

Dude, u need to meet me for a treat but guess u r too busy in Manali!

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saale Bangy aa phir party dene! Congrats babes, really makes my day somehow :D

10:51 AM  

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